Top 10 Call Of Duty Creepypastas

Welcome back friends to another creepy edition of Top 10 and today we'll be bringing you two amazing combinations the Top 10 Call of Duty Creepypastas.

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10 The Ring Effect

This creepypasta comes to us from an anonymous poster on the gaming creepypasta wiki. I'm calling it the ring effect because just like in the ring this terrifying encounter comes when a college kid runs into his friend standing at his doorstep. 
With a ghostly expression look on his face, he hands his friend the game Call of Duty Black Ops and then runs away without speaking a word. After suffering from boredom he decides to try the game out. He decided to play zombies. He drops into the game with three other players. 
One of the players goes down from a zombie attack where our college kid witnesses a very realistic player being eaten alive by the zombies. 
In between rounds he's texting a friend about how realistic the game is and goes into detail about watching a player have his insides removed by the zombie. Suddenly he hears a scream and can hear the players shouting I hate you I hope you rot in hell with me. 
This was startling, but even more so was the reply from his friend that the game doesn't usually feature that much realism. He must have a hacked copy. 
When he looks up to his screen a zombie is staring at him with a strange grin and says in a low soothing voice, "I'm going to enjoy this." Now every time he goes to sleep he has a recurring nightmare of zombies eating him where he can feel every bite and when he wakes up in a cold sweat he sees a mysterious figure at the edge of his bed.

9 Blood Brothers

This creepypasta comes to us from FlipLaScript. Now unlike the other creepypasta, this one doesn't really have to do with strange things happening in the game. 
Rather strange feelings that come from playing the game itself. Its a tale of two half brothers. Their father was especially fond of the oldest brother and would shower him with new consoles and anything that would help his future in gaming. 
Angered by the lack of attention he receives from his father, jealousy takes over. It's not said in the story but one can assume that from playing so much call of duty to keep up with his brothers increasing success, getting the cold shoulder from his father and envy building it creates a vicious circle that changes his personality to that of a homicidal maniac. 
He sees that his only option is to put an end to both his father and brothers dreams, by ending them. He then proceeds to spike their drinks. As his father drops dead to the ground, with his brother closely behind his brother exclaims, what did you put in our drinks. The younger brother just says, rat poison.

8 Death Day

This is another great creepypasta from FlipLaScript. This story focuses around the player's grandfather who helped raised him and most importantly around his story as a World War 2 veteran. 
At a young age, he used to watch his grandfather play World at War and listen to him describe how cool the campaign was, how realistic the graphics were and how the people on his squad felt like real-life brothers in arms. Before our player's grandfather died of skin cancer he left him a present, it was Call of Duty World War 2. With the game was a note that read, Happy 17th birthday Jimmy. 
Always be with you love grandad. When he opened the packaging he noticed the copy was different. The standard logo that said Call of Duty World War 2 wasn't gold and yellow - it was red. 
His campaign mode begins at the battle of the bulge near the end of the war. The main characters name was James Sheppard. The creepy part was, his name is also James Sheppard. Coincidence - well it gets weirder. He was named after his grandfather. The other two characters in the campaign also had the same last names as his grandfathers best friends that were killed in the war, McMaster and tubs. 
After reaching the final mission of invading a holocaust camp, also where his grandfather believed to be where he was exposed to the chemicals that gave him skin cancer. Upon entering this part of the game the player believed he could actually smell the burning corpses and bodies that covered the ground.

7 Wanna Play a Game

This creepypasta comes to us courtesy of Sinister. Upon moving into a new home a young boy who lived next door sees the man carrying his Xbox into the house. 
The neighbor asked if they could play zombies sometimes. He obliged and said that he would get his Gamertag once he was all set-up in the new house. Upon booting up Call of Duty he receives a shocking message that read - I'm your new neighbor, wanna play a game. 
Every few minutes he could hear a scream in the distance coming from the kid's microphone. After going to sleep he tossed and turned to wonder what those screams could have been. The next day upon turning on his Xbox he was bombarded with messages from the boy. 
Not wanting to be bothered he ignored and set his status to offline. The messages didn't stop, saying I know you're there, please play with me. Out of frustration, he shut off his Xbox. 
After finishing his breakfast he walked back into the room to finish unpacking and to his surprise the Xbox was on with a message from the neighbor reading, After playing for about an hour he heard the screams again. Like any normal human being, he called the police and told them his story asking to check on the neighbors home. 
When the officer arrived he pointed them in the direction of the neighbors home. The officer demanded that him came with him, he walked him over to the home. It was empty. 
The officer said this home has been vacant for the past 3 years. After arguing with the officer that there was indeed people in there. The officer said that the people who lived here were murdered by their own son, after killing them in their sleep he turned the gun on himself. 

6 Respawn

In 2007 a kid was playing Call of Duty and befriended someone online who he could vent to as if he was an older brother. After playing together for so long, he went radio silent. 
He hadn't heard from this older brother so he moved on, and 10 years later when the game Call of Duty remastered came out he decided to play for old times sake, he even decided to invite his old pal. To his surprise he accepted, although the creepy part was the only thing coming from his mic was his voice when get got a kill He messaged his online friends actual younger brother to discover that Aaron had been in a mental institution for the last two years. 
After receiving this message, he gets one from Aaron that says - paying you a visit. He gets a knock at his door and Aaron his standing there, but all he says is 

5 Games of Hell

A few players were invited to this custom game match that looked like a creepy version of Vacant. The leader who invited them simply said that you don't want to lose. 
After starting into the game the player sees what are hundreds of bodies burning in a hallway and almost begins to smell the burning flesh. The lobby leader then said that if the light goes out all the souls will be left in limbo and there will be no return to this world. 
They were the souls. After trying to disconnect the game kept him in and so he decided to play. When he killed another character he could hear them screaming, as if being stabbed repeatedly. After killing the other four remaining and winning the game his mother came through the door and said that he had been in there for 5 days and that no one could open the door. 
When he got back on Black Ops 2 he had prestige 5 times. One for each soul.

4 Level 99

This creepypasta comes to us from Freaky Facts. After making it to round 99 in zombies it's said that a bus will arrive to take the characters to a new location. 
The area they arrived it looked like a real neighborhood. A message then appeared on the screen that read, kill the innocent. Inside of home the players are directed to a woman and her husband then a 5-year-old boy. The players saw no harm because it was just a game and when the deed was done the screen went black and they heard screams. 
After the game ended the player went to bed. In the morning he checked the news and a headlined read, the Young boy shot and killed along with mother and father - no suspects.

3 Hidden Mod

After learning how to mod the game to reach the tenth prestige. The player went into the mod menu and saw a link that said prestige.mod. With the I in prestige being replaced with the number 1. 
The game began glitching and lagging. The player kept receiving and losing prestige in random numbers and then a message saying - ghosts coming appeared on the screen. He then received a package that upon opening had a severed head that looked like the character Ghost from Modern Warfare 2. 
When he returned to his screen he found an error message that said you have been permabanned from this game, please do not mod our games.

2 Mirrors

During a game of search and rescue, a guy came into the game chat speaking of glitch on the map flooded. 
When the players entered into the glitch they were outside of the map, but the guy who told them about the glitch was nowhere to be found. They came across a funhouse surrounded by headless corpses and impaled clowns. He began smelling a horrible smell of death. 
He carried on into the funhouse with the doors closing behind him. He ended up in a room filled with mirrors with his actual reflection. Writing then appeared in the mirror that said turn around. 
As he turned in real life he saw what looked like a clown with blood dripping from his mouth. The clown slowly bent down and said don't look at the mirrors.

1 Seeing Things

After a player lost his friend George at 16 to cancer. He told him on his deathbed that he wanted him to have his Gamertag. One night when playing on Occupation he sees outside of the map what looks like his friend George. 
After playing for a while his other controller turned on and was playing under a guest account. When he turns off his xbox he hears through his headphones, goodnight Nathan. 
He then begins seeing his friend George everywhere he goes. His parents quickly get him a therapist believing he is a paranoid schizophrenic. In the therapist's office on the fifth floor he sees George motioning him to the window. 
The therapist asks what he's doing and Nathan just responds I'm doing what he tells me to do. He then opens the window and as he falls to the ground he hears George for one last time.

And that has been the Top 10 Call of Duty Creepypastas.

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